terça-feira, 28 de julho de 2009

I Can´t Escape Myself

So many feelings
end up in here
left so alone I'm with
oh, an atmoshere
I'm sick and I'm tired
of reasoning
just want to break out
shake off this skin

I can't escape myself

All my problems
lume larger than life
I canswallow another slice
Seems like my shadow
marks every strike
can't learn to live with
what's trapped inside

I can't escape myself

So many feelings
end up in here
left so alone I'm with
oh, an atmoshere
I'm sick and I'm tired
of reasoning
just want to break out
shake off this skin

I can't escape myself

[The Sound]


3 comentários:

Unknown disse...

bem verdade.... tambem nao consigo escapar de mim mesmo.

Unknown disse...

muito embora acho que o contrario tambem aconteca.... o mundo tambem vive escapando de mim.

Raphael (ou Limão) disse...

Sempre condenam o "se matar", o "querer morrer"; mas fugir não seria também um suicídio?